You are currently browsing the monthly archive for February 2010.

It feels like this has been going on longer than 25 weeks, but I guess that is half a year. Had a good weigh in today after another really tiring and fun football workout with Daniel. Weighed in at 248lbs today and it was the second time this week I did. I’m now 8 lbs away from my original goal weight, and 11 lbs from my adjusted goal of 237. I think I will end up adjusting it again, however, and I will work to get down to 230 or maybe even 225.

Sorry this has come so late, but this weekend was pretty busy and last weekend we were at winter camp. I weighed 250 lbs on Friday and I am stoked to be dropping down at a pretty good pace now. The afternoon before, I weighed 246 after a nice run with John Allard. I have been doing pretty good about workouts and eating smaller portions, however, I am being pretty lazy about my “lose it” and I need to change that.

In other news, Annie and I really worked to organize our bedroom this weekend and it looks and feels awesome now; like a whole other place. We also had an interesting conversation with Patrick, my brother in law, and I think we are going to start a hydroponic garden next weekend with his help, and we’re pretty excited about it. aloha

Hey all, sorry for the late update this week.  I actually did weigh in, but was unable to get my post up, so here it is a couple days late.

I weighed in Friday at 254, which was a little disappointing, because the day before I weighed 252 (as I did today).  The workouts are still going well, and I am doing pretty well on my calories, though this weekend I didn’t keep track at all cause I had this nasty head cold.  I’m coming out of my head cold funk already, but I sure noticed some intense weakness when I worked out today, so I just took it easy on the weights and kicked my cardio up with 30 mins on the elliptical, and some quick light strength stuff (mostly body weight exercises).  I have been doing some football training with one of our FBC students for the last couple weeks and we had an AWESOME workout on Thursday, I only wish there were a way to get that workout more than once a week.  There it is for this week, Aloha

In their version of “O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing”, The DC*B sing, “There are so few words, that never grow old.”

What are those words for you?
